Agapanthus Blue Thunder flowers are a beautiful, deep blue color. Blue Thunder produces many flower clusters that are compact. Additionally, the plant remains compact and becomes approximately 45 cm tall and 40 cm wide. Blue Thunder should be planted in the (full) sun in well-draining soil.
Light requirement: Full Sun and Part sun/part shade
Water requirement: Low
Watering frequency:
Soil: Well Drained
Skill level: Beginner
Growth rate: Fast
Suitable for containers:
More info:
External links to more info:
Drought tolerance: High
Frost tolerance: Medium
Wind tolerance: High
Disease and pest susceptibility:
Mature height:
Mature width:
Suitable for shaping:
Colour: Green
Variegation: No
Size: Large
Seasonality: Evergreen
Flowering: Yes; profuse/bright display
Flower colour: Blue
Flower fragrant:
Flowering season:
Fruit: No